alright kids. im back . not so much in action. but im here. the job is going better. making enough money to blow at ikea , and still make money for rent and smokes and fast food. hot damn. life has been D R A M A. and ill try not to drag you all into my own personal soap opera. all ill say is i got a massive broken heart. my car got fixed from the wreck and they totally fixed it with like bubble gum. so i took it back and put the smack down and got a free rental and car wash. ( also wth some fixing up) .. today is chris's b-day. hes the big 1 9. its almost mine. kinda. im still in love with johnny depp of pirates. oh my . i know a million and one things have gone on. but i cant really think of anything signifiigant. i was giong to get a pet pig and name it el scorcho , but when i went ot go buy it , saving it from an endless bacon future , it screamed like it was taking it last squeal. and it scared me and i ran and told the guy no. when buying a pet pig over rules ranting about major things that have happened lately.....that means i really have no life. ive got blisters on my feet , they hurt. ill try to update more i guess . maybe get some new pictures on here. god these are old. im not sure if ya'll knew but i got the hosue in colton. its decent. the power went out for hours last night., so i bbq'd and left my roomate and her boyfriend to fend for themselves with my ton of catholic 99 cent store candles. those things DO come in handy.but seeing as how its 1 am and im a puss , ive gotta go to bed becuase i work at 3pm. tomorrow. yes. that late. and yes , i got to bed that early.
taco bell is better than del taco. suckers.
taco bell is better than del taco. suckers.
call me before saturday !!!!!!!