for those of you who become a cosmetologist you must pass the state board exma. well guess what folks. i fucked that test right up the bum. thats right i PASSED. now all i have to do is take the written part of the exma and BANG im a hairdresser. oh yeah. i named my boyfriends cat. captain morgan. yes , after the rum. good shit.
buy me snowglobes.
buy me snowglobes.

Oh, also: "Did you want me to remove these spider eggs from your scalp before the rest of them hatch?" or "Wow, there's really not much up here to cut, is there sir?" or "Do you mind if I keep some of your hair for my cat?" or "Holy crap, you should sue your brain surgeon." or "Those pigeons were waiting for you this morning, weren't they?" or "Shall I dye your ear-hair as well?" or "I've never actually done this yet, but the practice foam head didn't bleed too badly."
Oh man, I totally missed my calling.