ok. im at work and im eating burger king. yuuuuum. im still looking for my 2nd job and my ridiculous sunburn is pretty much gone. stupid river trip. my new boyfriend is the best ever. he put a little love not and 2$ in my pocket before he left for school and i left for work. i discovered it a few hours later when i...
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i. i have a boyfriend. yup. thats all i shall say. kiss
that's cool..
awwww boo for me not being able to seduce you now.
alrigh kids , im back with yet another adventure. i got stuck in AZ for 4 days. yes. it sucked. i was told i was going to the river over night. so i packed nothing but a bikini. me , thinking the " river" is some crap waterhole somewhere in cali. no. they failed to tell me its out of state. so we get there...
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Is there baboon sunblock?

If that lady with the monkey ever met the dude on Venice Beach with the boa constrictor, do you think they would kill each other on the spot by siccing their respective animals on each other or fall in love and start dry-humping & leaking all over the pavement?

I'm not mocking you. I promise.

Does foot-glass count as a body mod?
i had a cuddling session with my buddy yesterday and today. it was nice. i needed it. making out rocks. but im still desperatly waiting for the guy i want in FL oh so fucking bad. i havent had a crush like this since . fuck . i dont know when. i long time. my movign to FL is set back every week by a...
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you like some rad bands, plus you seem supa cute
hit me up if you wanna talk or whateva
you were missed.............
counter strike = facial stabbings. brutal.
like woo hoo it's yur berfday and we gonna partay like its yer berfday. up in here up in here
ok well the new move date is may 15th. GET READY GAINESVILLE! yeah im stoked. if any of you read this and can get me a job. i REALLY need it. fast food places need not apply. thanks. mom goes into surgery at 5 am. so i wont even sleep tonight. this sucks. but i gotta be there. me and super scott went grocery shopping...
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haha oh we are now are we?
music list for the day:

atreyu - lipgloss and black
from autumn to ashes - short stories with tragic endings
portishead - mourning air , half day closing , sourtimes
phyllis dillon - perfidia

what a craptastic few days ive had. frown
boooo for craptastic days, but at least you have good music. kiss

No way! I just saw that you have the same birthday as me! (I'm exactly one year older than you) I've never met anyone with the same birthday as me. yay kiss kiss

[Edited on Apr 01, 2003]
has your days been getting any better?
ok woah. talk about a FUCKED up day. i woke being screamed at by the family and after that i hear " you a leave now" .thanks. so im taking my next 2 paychecks and movign to floriduh. tahts right you heard me. im leavin my smart way of moving across the US ( saving up money and all that crap) in the gutter. ive...
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life has its funnty turns huh? I understand. Trust me. If you would have asked me where I was going to be one year ago, I would have told you married with a bun in the oven. shit just never goes according to the plan... its the reality.

you will be fine. you will make mistakes, you will fix them, you will grow, you will fall, you will cry and love... but in the end... you will be fine...

such a dramatic move... accross the country... you should join the florida group asap... meet liljackknife... and the likes...

best of luck... were here... always...
ok woah. talk about a FUCKED up day. i woke being screamed at by the family and after that i hear " you a leave now" .thanks. so im taking my next 2 paychecks and movign to floriduh. tahts right you heard me. im leavin my smart way of moving across the US ( saving up money and all that crap) in the gutter. ive...
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nothing new here. im home again. this sucks. the baby is hanging on me crying his head off. but he wont lay down. at least i know when im done with him i can give him back to mom. i think ill do that soon.oh yeah i got a haircut. im stoppin' traffic now.
baby you were always stoppin traffic. word. kids are fantastic!
i believet that... about the traffic and stuff...
so i had this date type thing last night. after waiting for like DAYS to do it. but good things come to those who wait , right? hes fucking gorgeous. hella funny and just fucking cool. and he can rock out to phyllis dillon with me...or any other random reggae and rocksteady junk. good times. we hit up the bar for a few drinks ,...
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good times and great booty. rock the cashbah.
when are you planning on moving?