Aaaaarrrrrggggghhhhh!! The Suns lost and got knocked out of the Playoffs!!
BUT, not because of their game, because of the fucking NBA officiating!! I am so fed up with NBA refs and rules!! There were a good 5 - 6 HORRIBLY bad calls on the Suns that resulted in 8 - 10 points for the Spurs. Had those calls never been made we would have won. This happens over and over and yet the NBA ignores it. Bad calls are continuously allowed to happen and in so many times affect the outcome of the game. Yet there is no penalty on these officials AT ALL!! They call a stupid ass foul and the replay is played on the big screen and on TV within seconds and YET, it remains a foul!! The rules don't allow for them to look at it and say, "Hey, we fucked up. Reverse the decision." Basketball is fast and furious and I understand them making mistakes. BUT, they should be allowed to reverse the decision in SO many obvious mistakes. Especially with a goddamn championship on the line!!
And the press just plays into it. They say Nash should have done this, or Shaq missed this shot. TRUE, they should have hit those shots or not made those turnovers. But the TRUE problem is in the officiating. Even though we made mistakes, it is NOT our fault that the officals FUCKED UP!! Even with all the mistakes we still would have won. It really came down to those BAD, BAD calls. Seriously, the NBA either needs to give teams the challenge option like the NFL does or review every game and starting FINING these refs for bad calls just like they do the players for bad plays. Hit them in the wallet and they'll start paying more attention!!
Sorry for the rant, I'm just PISSED. The Suns are a passion of mine and a championship team that got royally SCREWED. AGAIN!!
I'm off to check out all the new SG and Hopeful sets I've been missing since the Playoffs started and hopefully regain some balance.

BUT, not because of their game, because of the fucking NBA officiating!! I am so fed up with NBA refs and rules!! There were a good 5 - 6 HORRIBLY bad calls on the Suns that resulted in 8 - 10 points for the Spurs. Had those calls never been made we would have won. This happens over and over and yet the NBA ignores it. Bad calls are continuously allowed to happen and in so many times affect the outcome of the game. Yet there is no penalty on these officials AT ALL!! They call a stupid ass foul and the replay is played on the big screen and on TV within seconds and YET, it remains a foul!! The rules don't allow for them to look at it and say, "Hey, we fucked up. Reverse the decision." Basketball is fast and furious and I understand them making mistakes. BUT, they should be allowed to reverse the decision in SO many obvious mistakes. Especially with a goddamn championship on the line!!
And the press just plays into it. They say Nash should have done this, or Shaq missed this shot. TRUE, they should have hit those shots or not made those turnovers. But the TRUE problem is in the officiating. Even though we made mistakes, it is NOT our fault that the officals FUCKED UP!! Even with all the mistakes we still would have won. It really came down to those BAD, BAD calls. Seriously, the NBA either needs to give teams the challenge option like the NFL does or review every game and starting FINING these refs for bad calls just like they do the players for bad plays. Hit them in the wallet and they'll start paying more attention!!
Sorry for the rant, I'm just PISSED. The Suns are a passion of mine and a championship team that got royally SCREWED. AGAIN!!

I'm off to check out all the new SG and Hopeful sets I've been missing since the Playoffs started and hopefully regain some balance.

how are you doing?
what's going on over there?