Hoooray!! I finally went back to work on Monday!! I have done absolutely nothing since Easter..
and I do believe it was high time I got off of my ass and did something productive!
Two days down. So far so good. Boring and not my favorite thing in the world..
but I'm sure I will like my paychecks.
The commute sucks a little... it's about 35 mins each way doing at least 70mph.
But hey, you can't win 'em all.
I think I only pissed one person off so far, too.
Some lady questioning my authority over her.
Sorry bitch, maybe NEXT time your boss won't be 20 years younger than you.
It's also good to know I can come home to a good man who willingly rubs my feet and my back,
takes me out to eat where *I* like to eat, and takes me shopping where *I* want to shop.
Who knew that existed?
Things are good.
and I do believe it was high time I got off of my ass and did something productive!
Two days down. So far so good. Boring and not my favorite thing in the world..
but I'm sure I will like my paychecks.

The commute sucks a little... it's about 35 mins each way doing at least 70mph.
But hey, you can't win 'em all.
I think I only pissed one person off so far, too.
Some lady questioning my authority over her.
Sorry bitch, maybe NEXT time your boss won't be 20 years younger than you.

It's also good to know I can come home to a good man who willingly rubs my feet and my back,
takes me out to eat where *I* like to eat, and takes me shopping where *I* want to shop.

Who knew that existed?
Things are good.

lookie what i saw at arstcape!!
im glad things are going well for you. even if that means your super uber busy and never around anymore. you seem to be really happy and thats a good thing