1. Take my car to emissions and pray that my check engine light doesn't show it's ugly little head in the 10 minute drive from here to there, as it loves to do from time to time.
2. Call job offer number 2 and tell them I chose job offer number 1.
3. Tell job offer number 1 I accept.
4. Drive to Comcast and drop off cable box circa 1982. Who knows why..
5. Go to my mommy's work and copy/fax "important information" to paypal, with a cover sheet that says... "I fucking hate you, have a nice day."
6. Go look at a house for sale.. for super cheap.
7. Swing by FedEx to pick up a package I somehow missed this morning because the delivery man uses time travel apparently.
8. Watch at least one of the 12 movies I bought last night because i love blockbuster's oh so yummy sales.
9. Take my iron pills like a good girl.
10. Cry myself to sleep.
OhOhOh... and I have a solution for other bums like me.
How do you force yourself to stop going to shit hole strip clubs and spending a fuckload of money you don't really have?
Take one of your "shit talking" friends with you... let them get into a fight with the bouncer... and you'll never want to show your face again
problem solved.
1. Take my car to emissions and pray that my check engine light doesn't show it's ugly little head in the 10 minute drive from here to there, as it loves to do from time to time.
2. Call job offer number 2 and tell them I chose job offer number 1.
3. Tell job offer number 1 I accept.
4. Drive to Comcast and drop off cable box circa 1982. Who knows why..
5. Go to my mommy's work and copy/fax "important information" to paypal, with a cover sheet that says... "I fucking hate you, have a nice day."
6. Go look at a house for sale.. for super cheap.
7. Swing by FedEx to pick up a package I somehow missed this morning because the delivery man uses time travel apparently.
8. Watch at least one of the 12 movies I bought last night because i love blockbuster's oh so yummy sales.
9. Take my iron pills like a good girl.
10. Cry myself to sleep.

OhOhOh... and I have a solution for other bums like me.
How do you force yourself to stop going to shit hole strip clubs and spending a fuckload of money you don't really have?
Take one of your "shit talking" friends with you... let them get into a fight with the bouncer... and you'll never want to show your face again

what job did you take? and make with that number already woman or next time i drive right past your house i wont call you AGAIN. when we could have totally gotten lunch!