A little back story for you all.. I've had a long running battle between Nicoderm CQ ( clearly created by the devil ) and Newport 100's ( yes, I know I am ghetto ). I've been trying to quit off and on for well over a year now. Which sounds ridiculous when I say it out loud, I know. I usually either rip the patch off at a bar and start smoking, or quit the patches because I think they're addictive and try going cold turkey for a while.
Oh, did I even mention that I have never gotten beyond Step 1 of the damn "Nicoderm Program"? Yea, I'm pathedic. But, my point is... these patches are evil. Aside from the fact that they itch and burn for a good solid 20 minutes when you apply them, cost 50$ a box, and then leave gross sticky squares all over your body... they give you NIGHT TERRORS!!?!?!?!? What the fuck is that shit?
Every day for the past two weeks I have woken up from some freaky nightmare that is not only random as fuck, but so strange I actually wake myself up. Mind you, I hardly ever remember my dreams and if I do, I forget them five minutes after I wake up. So this is just insane. I woke up this morning from a dream about being in a messed up juvenile detention center and having to take care of all of these dogs while chasing after some random slut I liked. Which wasn't so bad... until this big ass Hulked out pitbull came up attacking my dogs and trying to bite me... Excuse me? Nicoderm, why would you do this to me!?
Only a few hours before that, I woke up from fucking some guy I went to school with and his girlfriend walked in trying to kill me. I haven't even seen or thought about this kid in like ten years. So should I thank the good people at Nicoderm for bringing him back to me? I just needed to vent a lil. I'm tired of waking up like "WTF?" and I really don't know how to just quit smoking already! Help me.

On the dreaming front, it could be worse. My friend Sarah dreamt the other night that she went for an AIDS test and it came up positive.
I like I said, I guess it could be worse. You are certainly not alone in the weirdo dream stakes.
On the quite smoking issue, I am no help. I have never tried to quit and have no intention of doing so. I ♥ it too much. Plus it makes me look cool.
Maybe not, but I do love it too much to stop.