ah jeez.. this whole thing is just confusing.. i know i'll get used to it, but it took me like 5 min's just to figure out how to update my post.. i'm sure its not helping that i'm insanely tired
and my head is killing me
i have my first quiz tonight .. didn't find out about this quiz til Monday night.. bastad prof! and who ever heard of using ONLY power point presentations for a fucking math class? this guy never writes on the chalk board! its a good thing i'm dating my own person math tutor, or i might be having trouble with this course... i have to spend 8 hours a week in lecture with this guy, and in the end, i end up teaching myself this shit cuz when he goes thru a PP presentation, he goes way too fast & won't slow down cuz he just says.. "all of this is on the web, you don't need to copy it down now" .. really? how the fuck am i supposed to learn from you then? fucker.. so i'm now seeing that this class is going to be alot more work than i had originally thought
anyhow.. good morning y'all

anyhow.. good morning y'all
Fuck that. What the hell is wrong with a good old chalkboard? Good luck!
Well glad to hear you got some sleep.sorry about your test but hey could have been worse.so what did ya have for lunch-i had a nasty philly cheese steak.YUK!!so other than study what are your plans for the weekend?