i had an amazingly peaceful & feel good evening last night ...
i'm glad its friday, i'm looking forward to catching up on some sleep this weekend..
my semester ends in about 12 days...
i walked in to my math class on Tuesday to find out that we were having an exam that night.. i got a 68 ... i've accepted that i'm out of my "A" range.. it'll be okay
onward & upward
... everything is still very unsettled, with him, & with me..
onward & upward
i signed up for the next Wood Firing in Galena the first weekend in June.. its my elephant.. the most powerful experience i've ever had..
i'm going camping in a month.. that makes me happier than i've been in a long time.. i shall count the days... 27...
!!!!! check out 5/27/06 10pm show with Russian Circles.. Record Release at Schuba's .. i'm totally there.. already bought my tix
"The band's breathless, riveting instrumentals employ technically daunting musicianship that somehow avoids wankery. Its neither hardcore nor metal, but its power is undeniable."-The Onion, Chicago
they're fucking amazing! you won't be disappointed
i'm glad its friday, i'm looking forward to catching up on some sleep this weekend..
my semester ends in about 12 days...
i walked in to my math class on Tuesday to find out that we were having an exam that night.. i got a 68 ... i've accepted that i'm out of my "A" range.. it'll be okay
onward & upward
... everything is still very unsettled, with him, & with me..
onward & upward
i signed up for the next Wood Firing in Galena the first weekend in June.. its my elephant.. the most powerful experience i've ever had..
i'm going camping in a month.. that makes me happier than i've been in a long time.. i shall count the days... 27...
!!!!! check out 5/27/06 10pm show with Russian Circles.. Record Release at Schuba's .. i'm totally there.. already bought my tix
"The band's breathless, riveting instrumentals employ technically daunting musicianship that somehow avoids wankery. Its neither hardcore nor metal, but its power is undeniable."-The Onion, Chicago
they're fucking amazing! you won't be disappointed
still miss you. 

where oh where did my dear friend run off and hide to?