oh yes.. came into work today prepared for the worst.. had a big meeting with one of our larger accounts over some negative feedback from some of their brokers.... well, turns out that it wasn't anything to do with me, and in fact , i received "rave reviews"
and to think.. i lost all that sleep last night over this??
and the real problem is the guy that i trained almost 2 years ago, as well as the insurance carrier.. There were some valid points brought up, but for the most part, this whole thing is just causing a fucking boat load of extra work for ME.. all becuz people can't or won't do their own fucking job... i hate this fucking job
my melt down isn't as close as i thought it was... i think i may be able to hold it in til after class << deep breaths>> i'm pretty today, i'm wearing a skirt and my hair is long and free

and the real problem is the guy that i trained almost 2 years ago, as well as the insurance carrier.. There were some valid points brought up, but for the most part, this whole thing is just causing a fucking boat load of extra work for ME.. all becuz people can't or won't do their own fucking job... i hate this fucking job
my melt down isn't as close as i thought it was... i think i may be able to hold it in til after class << deep breaths>> i'm pretty today, i'm wearing a skirt and my hair is long and free
the shoes in your picture are kickass!! i wish i could wear shoes like that. and, you are always pretty! beautiful, in fact. sorry for all the extra work at work; it seems like you're getting acknowledgements - so the payoff is good.
happy february love!