SO no set for Kiiara.

And I'm going back to Cornwall to study some more and do exams so now the chances of me getting a real official photographer have gone from 1% to 0.000001%.

I've started brainstorming. I've found an amazing studio, I have a few ideas already, I'm going to do more sets this time and I'm getting better LIGHT!! FINALLY!! I'm also...
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awww sweetie! youll make it. trust me, a extremely beautiful lady like you has to make it. im cheering for you everyday hun.......hugs. have a great weekend
Thank you for your comment about my tattoo! I'm flattered!
well they said no.

But it's on hopefuls right now!

though it's backwards....

edited to add the link.

knickers and heels
It was a decent set. Maybe try using a soft focus for some photos and experiment with light, Could end up with some really nice stuff
Hey there.

Pity about your set (personally I loved it) !

But at least it's up now eh.........result smile

My set is currently still Pending Review.

I'm starting to freak out. I've checked my account about 6 times today already.


Just tell me already!!! One way or the other, I just wanna know now!!!
oh it's true ...i cant wait to see your set frown frown kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
Good luck. smile
you have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen, I'm sure its just a matter of time before you go live.......WOW, I really dont know what else to say.....just WOW
Wow...i saw your face on the smahs rejected posts...and girl...you got THE eyes!!!
Before i get into what I've been up too (please be weary, there are pictures), I wanted to say thanks to everyone who last posted on my journal. I've asked to join now (woo!) and I can't wait to start getting chatting to you guys smile AND I'm going to pull all of the courage together that I can and ask to come along to the...
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wow! i hope your bf realizes how lucky he is in having you as his girlfriend!! damn did not know that sexy goddess like you would acutally date a mortal...oh well...looks like you had a blast! well have a great easter
I've turned into a housewife.

I'm on my Easter hols finally, though my boyfriend isn't. So I stay at home, wash up, watch day time TV and mosh in my living room all by myself. Shouldn't I be out partying or something?

I'm really scared of some parts of SG, and surprisingly it isn't the whole getting naked bit. It's talking to real SG's and...
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don't be scared hun, we're all friendly!

we'll look after you

[meant in as much of a non creepy way possible!]

come and say hi!
The best way to get started is joining a couple of groups that you feel comfortable with and make friends there. It's onwards and upwards from then on smile
All of the UK SG's seem absolutely lovely, I've never seen any of them post anything horrible on here.

Plus, yes, the boards can be a bit harsh at times.
I'm so ill today.

Sneezes, my nose feels like someone's decided "oh lets shove a cork up there... No no, two so she can only breathe from her mouth!". My eyes are all gritty, I haven't stopped sleeping... Ugh!

Though I'm quite happy as I should be getting some pictures done quite soon (I'm not going to say much because I don't want to get...
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I got rid of my flu - looks like I've given it to you! Hope you feel better, have a lot of tea and rest, worked wonders for me kiss
hi my sweety ....i'm glad today ...why ? becouse i have a new marvellous friend .....you ..i think you are a cute cute girl and a marvellous person ...kisses have a great day !!!!! wink eeek shocked kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
What is with popularity?

You would have thought we've got out of fourth grade now people!

This is SG not fucking myspace.

Theres a dig debate going on right now on SG Hopefuls Group about wether we should let rejected sets be voted on by members. The set that wins becomes a real SG. Read it all there.

Problem is people are going to vote,...
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You are really pretty, I hope you get a set soon! smile
Those are some really beautiful pictures!

SPOILERS! (Click to view)
I actually quite like the voting idea, and nobody knows how it's going to be done, if it even is done, so maybe they'll find a way of keeping the voting as fair as possible (like having a panel of voters or something). Personally I reckon if everyone is given a vote, then it'll even out anyway - people who aren't active on the site and don't know the people in the sets will just vote for whichever they think is best, and that'd even out the people who are just voting for their friends thing. On the other hand, people often complain about limbo girls going up who never post on the boards or anything when other girls have been waiting for years, so surely it's fair enough if how active a girl is on the site (ie, how popular she is) is taken into account? On the other hand (apparently I now have three hands), it does mean that the girls who are all about posting pictures of their tits in every other thread on the site are more likely to be voted up, giving the vote to whoever is the most attention-seeking rather than just more active. ...I just meant to give a quick opinion and I've rambled on forever, sorry!


Essays... Blah.

Much rather be back at home. Bloody uni.

I also have a couple of dilemas.

1) I want a REALLY AMAZING set. I need to go pink. It would make my year and i'm getting so tired of just waiting. I've messaged cherry and hopefully she'll get back to me soon, though I know most SG official photographers are so busy and...
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hmmmmm but when you take the goose over and go back for either the fox or the corn which are you gonna leave with the chicken whatever

hahaa i'm an AMATEUR photogarpher, which means i suck,
and i don't have lighting or anything, just my camera....another reason why i suck!
I guess its a bit miss leading to say i even take pictures frown

and trust me, i look like a drowned rat in a suit EL SUICIDO LOCO

don't worry, you'll find a great photographer tongue
just get them to take some shoots with a light behind you and to focus on your eyes alot,
they really stand out and make you stand out from other SG's
okie okie let me look for more!! hehehehe hugs hun ill email you privately with new names when i find them..hugs hun