(We used to sleep together though this is irrelevant apart from filling you all in).
Lets say the reson why we stopped talking was because of firstly ignoring me all summer and secondly laughing at my suicide girl pictures (which is SO stupid because he's seen me naked. Hence me filling you all in before).
This is how i know :
However i do think both of those things were because he was with a group of people who hated me.
I deleted him from facebook and everything else, and two days ago i recieved a *poke*.
I recipricated.
We've sent a couple of messages and he's been nothing but nice (though slighly pushy about knowing stuff about my boyfriend though once again I think thats because of the whole sleeping together thing again).
I dont even know why i'm bothered, though I think he may have some sort of fucking motive. And me being me wants to know what that fucking motive is (yeah i know this sounds paranoid).
Do I keep talking to this dude, and him be all fucked up all over again? Because i will kill.
But at the same time go i give the benefit of the doubt? Because he was really nice before then, even when all the rest of them were horrible.
Who wants to see some new pickys of me?
but i may not be in my lil pub next week so i may not see you
i have the enemy at ULU and on sat......well i dunno whats happening sat yet haha
...the fox...never heard of it, oh well