Ok right. Bigger blog this time.
I'm currently procrastinating. I cant be bothered with this essay. SG has helped
I've been back here a DAY and i've already got the itch to make another set again! Photographer anyone?
I'm totally kicking myself for the fact i let diazarri slip though my fingers when he was here, but i've moved back to cornwall for university and it was actually impossible for me to come to London whilst he was here
Cant wait to start talking to the community again now, ive actually missed it loads (and the naked girls of course).
Since ive been away i've:
Had my ear stretched a bit more (2.4mm, easy does it)
started planning my major tattoo with my dad and a tattooist
Come back to uni with a whole new frame of mind
become more confident
sorted out my head with friends and such, which i'm already feeling alot better about.
been madly smitten in love
got very very stonned
and very very drunk
have got over my fear of being sick
developed more on my fear of dentists (i actually need to be fully knocked out now...)
dyed my hair back natural
I'll see what i can do about new photos soon my lovelies, but right now i've really got to do some work.
Oh yeah i've noticed i have about 200 + friends all of a sudden and i speak to about 6. do some of you want to start speaking?
I'm currently procrastinating. I cant be bothered with this essay. SG has helped

I've been back here a DAY and i've already got the itch to make another set again! Photographer anyone?
I'm totally kicking myself for the fact i let diazarri slip though my fingers when he was here, but i've moved back to cornwall for university and it was actually impossible for me to come to London whilst he was here

Cant wait to start talking to the community again now, ive actually missed it loads (and the naked girls of course).
Since ive been away i've:
Had my ear stretched a bit more (2.4mm, easy does it)
started planning my major tattoo with my dad and a tattooist
Come back to uni with a whole new frame of mind
become more confident
sorted out my head with friends and such, which i'm already feeling alot better about.
been madly smitten in love
got very very stonned
and very very drunk
have got over my fear of being sick
developed more on my fear of dentists (i actually need to be fully knocked out now...)
dyed my hair back natural
I'll see what i can do about new photos soon my lovelies, but right now i've really got to do some work.
Oh yeah i've noticed i have about 200 + friends all of a sudden and i speak to about 6. do some of you want to start speaking?
thank you.