You know what guys? I'm mad, I'm fucking mad. Why? Because humans sucks, like srsly.
Let me start saying that I study political sciences, so all the time I'm reading, writing and talking about politics, sociology, etc... And I'm so do with this world.
First: My country -colombia- is deciding about adoption between gay couples.. There is nothing to decide about, yes, fuck just yes. In this country kids die everyday in war, because they have no parents and the goverment cant provide them anything, because they are hungry, millions of kids cant go to school, etc.. And some shitty assholes decided that it is better than a gay couple adopting them? Like what the fuck!!! And they use religion like an excusse.. Dude I belive en god, and I don't think he cares about peoples sexuality.
Second: Fuck 50 shades of grey. For real! That domestic violence, and people think it is romantic, IT IS NOT. Believe me, there is no love or romance in a toxic relationship with and abusive boyfriend, it is hell. BDSM is something amazing, but something about consent, respect, and trust. And there is nothing of that in that movie/book.