It's 5 am in the morning, I just came home.
I went out and I think I am a bit drunk/exhausted
No cute boys tonight, that sucked
Some people were not nice to me, others were.
I need sleep now I think.
My head is spinning...
I had to give up the love of my life
to be able to break away from someone
who kept me from being myself.
And I didn't even get to choose
the choice was already made for me.
That "The Flower Collection" set is taken by you?
Can't figure out what it says underneath it, something like "photography by frea??star" or something like that, am I close?
Loretta's set sure is nice, very nice....I just love the Italian country, away from everything! Summer is in the air, somewhere!?!
I want to travel. I want to eat in places I haven't eaten before. I want to meet new people. I want to go out in a way that isn't possible here. I want to overlook a totally different city. I want to take the subway, whichever it is. I want to walk the pavement in a skirt and flats. And most of all, I... Read More
join the club, my big masterplan was/is saving up a few thousand after graduating and then buying a shitty old car to roadtrip in america for a while before going home and starting my working life.
And you sure are right, I'm not even far away from that kid, let alone anywhere close....
Who the hell is that anyway?
Oh, how far away are you from him? or ?