It's such a sad, sad feeling when you go through the wreckage and find you can't even salvage a friendship.
kiss thanks for the sweet comment on my new set!
Went to the Dillinger 4 Fourth of July show tonight. It was quite the bit of fun. Opening acts Banner Pilot and Busa were especially good. BP sounded like early Lawrence Arms, with the dueling vocals and fast yet harmonic guitar parts. (Fighter Hya)Busa were good too. They were kind of a raunchy rock act with gravelly vocals. Stylistically they reminded me of the Hawaii...
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Nothing new for trash like [me].

Except that I am now part time instead of split shifting, which fells like an amazing vacation. But the honeymoon can't last and I do need to be moving on.

Sometimes the old ways are the best ways, so here are some relevant song lyrics:

"Building The Perfect Asshole Parade -or- Scratching Off The Fleas" by the Falcon

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I really hope the Marxist revolution starts soon. Because I'm sick of working for poverty wages.

Especially after this last weekend, I could go on a rant that would have more arms than an octopus.

But I will say this -- the hardest part of coming of age, I'm realising, is that when you have to quit playing kid games, it's only because you have...
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I hate work, probably because work is included along with everything. So more accurately, I hate everything. Except the the few things I don't. But I also hate that. Go fucking figure.
After putting in my two weeks notice, I am now in negotiation to possibly stay at my job, but I also may be looking for another one very soon. I need to start putting more effort toward my goals since it hasn't been going well lately. Plus, I always enjoy shaking things up.

Take a look at this dump of these drawings I've been doing...
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ooooh yeah. i remember now.
i don't know if my own preferences when it comes to the size of a woman's behind is genetically based or not, but i do know that i hate anyone with a big fucking mouth like she had.

what a psycho.
i wonder if her and i ever dated........

good luck with the job thing.
i like your stuff too, kinda disturbing.
prolly why we get along. wink

[Edited on Sep 13, 2005 11:16PM]
I need a new job. As well as a new everything else.
you and me both brother.