Just got back to Detroit and readjusting to life in the States, no better or worse just different. Very different....
happy 4th of july kiss biggrin
So... when are you gonna come hang out with us?
Leaving for London in less than a week. A little apprehensive since I've never been on a plane before. Looking forward to the week i'm spending in Amsterdam as well.

If anyone wants to reassure me about the safety of airtravel feel free...
Happy Birthday
welcome back, cutie! how long have you been home? i hope that you're well, and not too depressed about being back.
Ahhh, I've spent so much time in a college town i almost forgot how BORING suburban life can be...

If it wasn't for the few interesting cities in the metro detroit area, I might actually miss east lansing and that is a scary thought.

Why does the DEMF get exponentially more lame every year? I guess with a free show you get what you pay...
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didn't get to the DEMF this year...last year was pretty lame, though.

thanks for the compliment. i think my profile picture is pretty dorky. I look about 10X better in real life. not to toot my own horn...
Just found out main floor was sold out for the Pixies show in Nov. Guess I vastly underestimated the demand for tickets...Oh well, balcony seats will have to do...

Trying to hook up tickets for the Reading Festival in England as well but I have problems paying $150 to see white stripes and morrissey...
I'm home!

But now, I HAVE to sleep.

More adventures later smile
I'm home!

But now, I HAVE to sleep.

More adventures later smile
Feels good to finally be done with school despite the intense boredom and malaise brought on by the stupid commencement ceremony.

Between graduating and going to london in july, i was riding pretty high. Then picked up the newspaper...

Generally, I'm a pretty tough person to shock but lately man's inhumanity to his fellow man has really blown me away. My faith in humanity is...
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My faith in humanity has dwindled to almost nothing...it began to gradually dwindle before I entered high school.
I am soooo not looking forward to having to go to three LAME ASS commencement ceremonies fri. and sat. What a waste of a weekend. Just mail me my diploma.
haha, if you lived in Case as well, we've probably met. What a strange way to re-meet. I was on 3N the whole time. You?
Pretension was among my top reasons for dropping Madison. Most of my roomies at the time were in it and obsessed with it. Although reading "The Third Wave" eventually came in handy, it did nothing for me as an 18 year old.
Are you going to the Condie ceremony? I can't decide. Unless she announces Americans may no longer visit Cuba, I'm not particularly focused on what she has to say right now.
graduation ceremonies= total waste of time.

the only reason I went to mine was to see the inside of Michigan stadium for once. I didn't even have any friends to sit with. It was so hot and boring, I just wanted to leave.

Hopefully yours won't suck as bad.
The only thing standing between me and graduation is a forty page paper due friday. It was nice to have a couple of days off to relax before actually having to buckle down and write this thing.
Cuba is for a study abroad. I'm graduating, but after earning the Latin American and Caribbean studies specialization, I feel like I should at least spend some time in the area.

Is your 40 pages a Madison senior sem paper?

I was a Madison kid for a year, and lived in Case for two years. But, PTCD didn't really turn out to be all I hoped it was, and when Marks left, I felt very little draw to the program. In retrospect, I somehwat wish I'd looked into IR instead. Most of the people I know who stuck with that love it. Thoughts?

Have fun with study abroad. smile I plan on posting the adventures in my journal here as I go. I won't be gone for that long, though.

What are you plans post study abroad>
OK I'll admit it, I basically just signed up because I figured it was a good way to meet hot punk rock girls since there are NO good shows in the east lansing area.

Graduating in a week and going to Europe this summer...so I got that going for me...Getting to the point where I can't watch the news or read the paper because so...
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University of Michigan, Ann arbor.

does that make us mortal enemies?
I don't have a camera at this time, so no pix frown

but if you sent me one, i would definitely look at it smile