"You don't pray in my school...
and I won't think in your church."
!Scopes! Round 2 began today. Evolution is on trial yet again. It makes me wonder if the Intelligent Designers have a valid argument. Perhaps evolution doesn't exist. After all, if evolution were a real thing, shouldn't we as a people have learned from the Scopes Trial and evolved past it?
Unevolved Right Wing Monkeys of the world, hear me: touch the Monolith. Hal is waiting.
In other news- Kali is the most awesome-est. When I am around her, she is all I see. Most days we only get to squeak in 20 minutes of time together, but I crave it all the same. Yesterday's 20 was coffee at the Abbey. Today's 20, we assembled a bookcase. I like our daily 20s: they make me anticipate the weekends even more, when we have dozens of hours together.
and I won't think in your church."
!Scopes! Round 2 began today. Evolution is on trial yet again. It makes me wonder if the Intelligent Designers have a valid argument. Perhaps evolution doesn't exist. After all, if evolution were a real thing, shouldn't we as a people have learned from the Scopes Trial and evolved past it?
Unevolved Right Wing Monkeys of the world, hear me: touch the Monolith. Hal is waiting.
In other news- Kali is the most awesome-est. When I am around her, she is all I see. Most days we only get to squeak in 20 minutes of time together, but I crave it all the same. Yesterday's 20 was coffee at the Abbey. Today's 20, we assembled a bookcase. I like our daily 20s: they make me anticipate the weekends even more, when we have dozens of hours together.

You never update ever.
How the hell are you going to see ROTS on tuesday!