the ability to breath clearly. the skills neccessarry (spellinngg errorr) to not have chills in 70 degree interiors. the sheer talent required to eat a bagel with tofuti cream cheese and cinammon'd banana and actually keep it down.
i take them for granted no more. fuck being sick.
I am going to chalk it up to the last remnants of my meaty diet being purged from my system, you know, like an Anne Rice vampire shitting away the last of his humanity from a marble-white butt. Maybe whatever. I just know I have had enough with being unable to even sit up and write, even for a few days.
-enter non-sequiter here-
about ten pages from finishing Pattern Recognition.
"I feel a column coming on. I can feel it in my journalistic gonads.
i take them for granted no more. fuck being sick.
I am going to chalk it up to the last remnants of my meaty diet being purged from my system, you know, like an Anne Rice vampire shitting away the last of his humanity from a marble-white butt. Maybe whatever. I just know I have had enough with being unable to even sit up and write, even for a few days.
-enter non-sequiter here-
about ten pages from finishing Pattern Recognition.
"I feel a column coming on. I can feel it in my journalistic gonads.

i would have so gone with you too....i hope that you feel better darling. I had an extra ticket too...table 33, front and center (cause honestly i'm in love with the man). As soon as you feel better you're coming over and we're watching Mr.Show on DVD...or i can come see you. or something. Either way. we need to hang out, cause i havent seen you since New Years, and thats far too long. You can call me anytime.