A convergence in the genre spacetime universe-

Dark Shadows on the telly-
Credence's on the headphones-
Willeam Gibson interviews online.

Love/Career/Talent all aside,
life is pretty fucking badass right now.
And I have a cold, but screw it. That's what C Monster is for.

love love C Monster... love love
yes, iupui. though i don't know for how much longer. let's just say that my college career is the reciprocal of my exceptional high school career. yeah. =/

and don't tell me anything about your drizzt book! i'm still reading the backstory before i get to it. though i gotta wonder what happens to wulfgar's baby. that was a weird turn of events at the end of the spine of the world.

and i've never had a gingerbread latte, but it sounds awfully good right now as i shiver at my computer. we'll have to hang out sometime. though currently i'm 0 for 1 on my SG friendships. you better watch out. heh. wink
The yellow wallpaper is a lovey short story.
Sadly it's overlooked and under appreciated.

Your comment was rather amusing.

If I wasn't in such a strange mood..
I'd be all over you. -sweet smile-
I, KidMorlock, have hit a new low today. Fuck, what compelled him, you might ask?

with payday two days away, money tighter than Tom Hanks' luggage in Joe Vs. The Volcano, and a major nic-fit coming on, I, KidMorlock, raided my ashtrays for butts. I found five.

I know, I know.

If the butt had an inch of smoke left, it was mine again. Like...
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not yet...i've kinda been dragging my feet on that whole mess..i dunno. been really busy as of late. but i'm looking into it. i'm kind of a net nerd, so i really have no excuse not to be. have fun....you have AIM or anything?
a fellow dragonlance appreciator!
i just picked up the annotated legends. can't wait to find time to devour it. it's been too long since i last read the legends trilogy.

ok. just had to say hi to a fellow fantasy geek. =)
New Faerie time-

Earth faeries. See the canon states that all faeries have wings, right? Well BALLS to that, man. Earth faeries, no wings, but trees. A tree growing right out of the faeries' back. Bio-EcoSister, muthahfuckah! And they've got to kick major Deforestation ass.

Hadda get that outta my system. Got a new profile pic up.

"Hey look at the dork who can't crop...
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Right - gotcha. unfortunately, the only film of his I've seen is Magnolia, and I've never gotten around to picking it up on DVD (altough it is on the list - marvellous film...)

I was never really that bothered about seeing Boogie Nights. I know it's supposed to be realy good, but I grew up with Burt Reynolds in Smokey and the Bandit and Cannonball Run, and it just seems weird for him to be in something more serious... But I guess that's just me being odd.

Looking forward to seeing Punch Drunk Love at some point though...
i love it when billy boyd and dom monaghan make fun of the special fx. ha!

thanks for the encouraging word on my newest piece by the way. that made my midnight.
I think I had a psychic experience yesterday, precognition, and as lame as it may sound, it involved Star Trek.

All day at work yesterday, I had this line of dialog running through my head.

"She makes a strong Haspurat."

I knew the line, it's from this TNG ep with Ensign Ro...mnnn...Ro... love love love

anyway, its the one where she ends up ditching SFleet and joins the...
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Holy shit!!! The SG Star Wars group was founded on my birthday! That is the coolest. A happy I didn't have to create, even.

Been working on this theory that I have to make a happy for myself from time to time. Not sure if that's a gerund, but definitely noun related, happy is.

been toying with getting back in improv for a while. ComedySportz...
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went to Punk Rock Night at the 'Mel last night by myself. It's weird going alone. Been going there for over a year, don't know anyone there. Must be a freak going just for the music. I dunno.

Things seem to be in a holding pattern. Not poor, not well off, must be middle class or something. I have my Shelly, though, and that will...
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The morning drive-

This is great...

At the light, Local Redneck #185, next lane over, beeps at us

"what the hell's a Wokie?"

He's referring, i gather, to my bumper sticker 'Wookies need love too', right?

"what the hell's a Wokie?"

A Wokie? Wokie??

I prepare to admonish the bastard with a 'theyre an arborial race characterized by total body hair and they have TWO...
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it just doesnt get any better than 'Sports' dude...