Alright, first order of business, I was sitting with my teenage nieces and nephews tonight as they watched Jersey Shore. This is my first real encounter with the show. I mean, everyone has heard of "The Situation", and the fist pumping, and the guido-like persona that these young adults are trying to nestle themselves into. On tonight episode, and sorry if i'm ruining anything for you if you haven't watched ::LET THIS BE YOUR TIME TO STOP READING IF YOU DO NOT WANT KNOW WHAT HAPPENED::
I'll probably never willingly watch this show, however, I did find interest in watch a teenage reaction to some of the material. I just don't want to tell my little guys that, unfortunately, this is a lot like life.
Vacation has been wonderful, but sadly it's coming to an end. Tomorrow night will be our last night out. I will post pictures as soon as I find the ambition to do so, but I WILL tell you that all in all, it was a really fun and relaxing time with friends. It definitely brought us all back to the friendship that we once had, the truly genuine friendship of a group. No drama. No fights. No disagreements. It was quiet and wonderful.
Lastly, i've been toying with the idea of picking up a new hobby. I've decided that since I love beer, wine, and cigars so much, why not turn it into something?! I think I might try to find a book tomorrow on the perfect cigars. Random thought, isn't it weird how men associate a lot of masculinity in a cigar and hard liquor? I guess I should make it very clear now that i'm not a tough guy.. I like my beer cold and my liquor to burn. I'm not a mobster, nor am I living the lifestyle of the rich and famous. I'm just a plain, simple guy that thinks he has good taste.
Well, thanks for reading!
To answer your questions, I'd love to give Mac a try as I'm not devoted to PCs but I've only used a PC, all my peripherals and software are for Windows, etc. . . . I'm just afraid switching now would entail more expense than it could ever justify. As to the lawyer thing - - meh, it's a living. I went to law school because I was sick of waiting tables, which was about all was qualified to do with a BA in history & no desire to teach. I do like my job however, it's just working with other lawyers which bums me out. They suck.
Enjoy the remainder of your vacation.