Awwwww. Spring is coming...About Fucking time. I'm visting Tennessee next weekend...see my moma. I miss her. And Damn it Will goes and Pisses in the middle of the bedroom floor again. (drunk...he drinks too much)..and now my thoughts about staying with him when I move into the apartment I'm moving to in Mid April were shot again. But of course, I can't stay mad at him long. Thing is, I get so stressed at work and I find myself lonely if I come home to no one. I mean he's the only person I know up here in Indy. Can't just pick the phone up and call somebody. Except for the people I work with. But they are all anal except for Will's mom (who is my boss but we love each other) So I guess it could sound that I'm confused....but, no, I don't think that's it. I think it's more what you call a hard time I have to smile and make the best of....or whatever ....I'm soooo rambling and I apologize to the audience. I can be dull. But see, that's where Will comes it...He knows I'm not. And most of the time I enjoy his company. Just wished he'd quit forgeting where the bathroom is when he's drunk and wished he's start saving his money better. Oh and by the way, we've been together almost 5 years so I guess it's ok to harp.
Thanks for listening...
Thanks for listening...
You work in an office now, don't you? Are the people older? I've been in work enviornments with older people and/or assholes my age. Work seems to be the place most people make friends (people I know anyhow) and without that then there's not much. Are you in the SGIndy group on here? They're having a bowling thing soon, could be a good place to meet like-minded people in the same age range.