From the hotel room....For your viewing pleasure....or something.....

Oh how I love history books. I got me a book at the Discover Channel store (Which I'm also in love with) the has fun history stuff in it. "That's not in my american history book" is what it's called. I'll get back with you on some fun facts. I know Bill Clinton tryed to rent out rooms in the white house. I've been studying that dang Accounting "bible" and haven't read anymore of my book.
Kinda dread tomorrow. Only because it will be insanely busy. Oh yea....3 days of mail stack up on my desk with probably posted notes all over the place with questions and requests from co-workers needing something that they could of probably done or figured out on there own.

Oh well...it's job security...

My Moma got a great Job!!!!!!!!! She probably won't have to sale her house. She's a "Support Specilist for White County" (In tennessee) She'lll be staying with two mentally challenged ladies at a brand new house for 7 days on and 7 days off. One of the ladies she'll be watching, my moma knew back in school. Moma and her used to ride the same bus and Moma remembers everyone alway making fun of her.

But anyway! Life is good. Stressful side but I'll be ok.
Have a wonderful Sunday!! And a fabulous week!!

Taco salad is what's for dinner....how about you?
hehe...Oh yea... In Miami, I got Will some Colonge "Good Life" by Davidoff" (Same dude that makes "cool water") And my Libido is back in top gear!!! ...he used to wear this stuff back when we first met....(7 years ago) hard to find...just like my libido...Ya-hoo..