Ok....I didn't talk to Barb about turning down the postion. I'm going to go with the flow and take it one day at a time. I thnk I'll be ok. I just get scared. I go to Miami March 14 for training. Then I'll be going to vistit Tennessee again for about 5 days. My moma graduates March 21 and her birthday is March 28th. I'm so proud of her.
Again, things with me and Will are better. I know it sounds dumb, but that how things go with us. To prove it some, I'll tell a tale of a time that I went mad with no reason. We were out camping and I'd drank a pint of southern comfort, And I had an insecure moment (which I'm bad for) and I just started halling on Will and hitting him. (Will's a milded tempered dude. He never hits me back.) I was disturbing the nieboring campers and he was afriad someone was going to call the cops on me. I was taking my close off...he was trying to put them back on me....I was LOUD so he put me in his parked car and tryed to calm me down but he had to leave me for a moment because he left the dinner he was cooking me on the fire....I was too drunk to figure out how to open the door so I started kicking and busted his windsheild with my feet. I still have knots on my knuckles where I was punching varies things. I need also to let it be known that that's the worst I've EVER acted. I don't think I've ever gotten close.
The "problems" we were having most recently were mainly becuase of his friends. I mean I was begining to think they were dating...haha. And I was getting shitty b/c hell, Ray was getting taken out to eat more than I was...hahah. I think I started pushing buttons with my attitide and pushed him away more... ... But... Will just got a promotion (too). And starting this week it's changed his schedule all around...oppisite of their's. I guess his work was getting tired of them being together too.
And even better....Will's kinda glad to get away from them too.
Man, It's colddddd outside.
p.s. Pedro offers his protection.

Again, things with me and Will are better. I know it sounds dumb, but that how things go with us. To prove it some, I'll tell a tale of a time that I went mad with no reason. We were out camping and I'd drank a pint of southern comfort, And I had an insecure moment (which I'm bad for) and I just started halling on Will and hitting him. (Will's a milded tempered dude. He never hits me back.) I was disturbing the nieboring campers and he was afriad someone was going to call the cops on me. I was taking my close off...he was trying to put them back on me....I was LOUD so he put me in his parked car and tryed to calm me down but he had to leave me for a moment because he left the dinner he was cooking me on the fire....I was too drunk to figure out how to open the door so I started kicking and busted his windsheild with my feet. I still have knots on my knuckles where I was punching varies things. I need also to let it be known that that's the worst I've EVER acted. I don't think I've ever gotten close.
The "problems" we were having most recently were mainly becuase of his friends. I mean I was begining to think they were dating...haha. And I was getting shitty b/c hell, Ray was getting taken out to eat more than I was...hahah. I think I started pushing buttons with my attitide and pushed him away more... ... But... Will just got a promotion (too). And starting this week it's changed his schedule all around...oppisite of their's. I guess his work was getting tired of them being together too.

Man, It's colddddd outside.
p.s. Pedro offers his protection.
No shit it's cold outside. Is it June yet?