Damn, how much does a level 70 Druid go for, anyway?
I hate not having a job. I want to buy so many things and its hard not being able too. Yeah, moving here was great for the fact I got to be with the man I love, but at least in my hometown I had a job.

I need to save for school and I want tattoos and clothes and girly things like that. Which...
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Yeah so as you can tell I tried to pimp out my profile...Meh.

Anyone in the hammer go to mac and play in the GSA?? Our team is playing tonight at 7pm so yes. Field 3 I think. Ill be there. Chick with the orange hair. Yup. Thats me.

I really want my sleeve started. I got the design picked and everything. I wish tattoos...
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Yup- that'd be orange!! (pink? orange? there's a difference?)

Excitement! Woo

Ok so first, evil_catbert is going to be shooting my set for me in a couple weeks! YAY! And im also getting my eyebrow pierced! YAY!

And Monty and I are gonna throw a SG party at Niagara Falls. So once I have it all figured out, there will be a post in the SGCanadaEast group. Let me know what y'all think!

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Hey coincidence ~ I wanna be a stripper too!! If it wasn't for all that pesky "back room" stuff they gotta do.. hehe. Oh also, if you do go ahead with the Niagara Falls SG do, I'm so very in! Tired of trecking all the way to TO.
yay webcam photos
Guess what I am doing this weekend? Dying my hair pink again! When I was in elementry school I used to dye it pink all the time (it was actually my mothers idea...and she really likes it pink...I have a cool mom don't I) then when I got my job at a department store it was all bad to dye it an unatural color. But...
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I am really grateful for this site you know. This girls have made me feel like no matter how you look you are beautiful. Once I start deciding to model, I think it would really help my self esteem, which is on a downside most of the time. But anyways you are all beautiful people and I really hope to get to meet some of...
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self esteem? psh, you look amazing and i can deffently see you on this site
If anyone hasnt checked already (time for my own self promotion) go see SG Wallpapers in the Fanart group I have made. I make wallpapers (and other web graphics too, but mostly wallpapers nowadays) of musicians, movies, people, etc So I figured I should try out doing some beautiful naked girls so yes...please go see them I am quite proud haha.

If you have any...
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I called Sugar Shack Tattoo and I have my consult and appointment done! Thanks Twwly for getting your hubby to tat moi. Im quite excited! It gives me some time to think about what I want so yay. Going to sugar shack in about 3 weeks for my consult. Woo.
I just saw pictures of your fair tattoo in the tattoo group. And wow, cute as hell! And so is your tattoo! wink
So I couldnt find my camera on the weekend. I have it now though. So set here we come. My boyfriend (who is excellent photographer) is taking it. I was considering asking to photoshop it myself since I am a actual photoshopper person but I would feel kinda...boo about it. Anywhoo, going to see Twwly's hubby about getting some more tattoos done this summer....
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I want to get my back done for sure to finish it off...getting two gryphons (yes i know its spelled wrong! shhh!) facing each other with my name in chinese symbol in the middle in between my fairy and my music angel tats. Hoping to get a arm tat done too and a chest tat. Thank god its gonna be in august i need to save my money lol

Oh and my man wants to get a tribal tattoo on his back across his shoulder as well.