so I was tagged by the lovely @capsblazem and was hesitant at first because I usually never participate in these things either. But why the heck not u know. Alrightyyy here we go
Tattoos........................ 4 (More coming real soon🤭): I have my friend I knew since high school on my left arm Kiah Lynn, on my right arm I have a key on the top of the key it’s my sister’s name and at the bottom it says “my sister’s keeper”, on the right side of my chest is a very detailed wolf and a part of the moon because wolves are my spirit animal 🐺 and lastly on my heart I have an anime tattoo with the lovely @foxxy and @jadestone names at the top and bottom because they’re really close to my heart🥹 they’ve been my besties since I joined sg 4 years ago and I love them both dearly🥰❤️ (Don’t worry I’ll have more sg models tatted! The most I want on me is at least 9 sg models tattooed on me❤️😁)
Piercings..................... None, not really a person to get piercings haha
Marriages.................... 0
Divorces...................... 0
Proposals.................... 0
Children....................... 0
Surgeries..................... 1 (2 more on the way) one to get rid of the cancer in my knee and plastic surgery to fix up my wound.
Shot a gun................... yesssss 😁
Quit a job..................... does getting fired count?😂😭
100+miles in a car...... nope BUT if the right song come on in my car, just buckle up and enjoy the ride😎😂
Hit a deer.................... nope.
zip lining...................... no but it’s on my bucket list of things I want to do before I die☺️
Cried over someone.... IF YA KNOW YA KNOW🙄 she really broke me as a man😪
Fallen in love............... of course and everytime I do I hit a brick wall and the girl ends up breaking my damn heart😑🤦🏾♂️
Watched someone give birth... nope
Watched someone die..... yep…. My oldest sister had breast cancer and it was at stage 4… there was nothing we could do, so one day while I’m with family at my aunts, I’m talking and I just happen to look over and I seen my sister take her last breath..😪 you’ll never know the feeling of losing a sibling until it happens to you🥺💔
Been to Canada......... nope.
Ridden in an ambulance..... nope.
Visited Las Vegas....... Planning to one of these days
Sang karaoke............. naaahh always been to shy to do so, who knows in the future >.<
Been downhill skiing....... no BUT I really reallyyyyy wish to go snowboarding someday brooo.
Ridden on a horse....... nope.
Stayed in a hospital..... yes and let me just say I HATE HOSPITALS 😭😭
Donated blood............. yes😁
Ridden in the back of a police car..... Not even gonna lie… y’all don’t want to know about the trouble I got in as a kid😂😂 imagine you just walking up the street and a police helicopter shines the light on you… should I continue?😭
I’ll pass this number game on to you guys😎 @adam_bovary @rhoxieredd @crystalparadis @juliju