My tats (in chronological order):
a black panther on my left shoulder- got it straight out of basic training, the guy did a shitty job
an all black shark on my right ankle - last night of finals of my first attempt at college. My friend comes to my room in the dorms and says lets go get tattoos...working on figuring out a cover up
small dragon on my back - when my best friend moved away to live with his fiancee in another state, we got the same tat
Geiger alien covering up the panther - took a design out of HR Giger's Alien book and turned it into a cover up
Galactic Empire symbol on right side of chest - I love sw and had been wanting to get that design forever
Phoenix on left leg - had been thinking about it, had some life changing things happen, decided to get a phoenix to show that I am reborn and nothing will keep me down
Planning on getting a pitchfork when I graduate for college. Beats a clunky class ring (it's not like I'm graduating from harvard or West Point)
More to come, depending on what happens in my life
a black panther on my left shoulder- got it straight out of basic training, the guy did a shitty job
an all black shark on my right ankle - last night of finals of my first attempt at college. My friend comes to my room in the dorms and says lets go get tattoos...working on figuring out a cover up
small dragon on my back - when my best friend moved away to live with his fiancee in another state, we got the same tat
Geiger alien covering up the panther - took a design out of HR Giger's Alien book and turned it into a cover up
Galactic Empire symbol on right side of chest - I love sw and had been wanting to get that design forever
Phoenix on left leg - had been thinking about it, had some life changing things happen, decided to get a phoenix to show that I am reborn and nothing will keep me down
Planning on getting a pitchfork when I graduate for college. Beats a clunky class ring (it's not like I'm graduating from harvard or West Point)
More to come, depending on what happens in my life
wow... that's a whole bunch of cover ups... how long did you have the 'shitty' tats before you covered them?
the marathon was 12 years ago i can't even run 100 metres without gas and air these days lol