Ok, I'm loaded.

Just got back from a kick ass show. A local act called BlessedBeThyName. Will post pics tomorrow.

time to pass out.....
still working there at the moment but was tempted to not go back
to answer your question...

I do everything myself. I havent played live or been in a band since mid 2001, its just better to do all the writting, playing, and recording myself. I cant find people in my area that could play it anyway, my stuff is more demanding and complex than people here do musicaly. And I also like to do different types of music. One day it might be classical, the next death metal, the next goth. I will post a link to my myspace profile for one of my projects in my journal.
My tats (in chronological order):

a black panther on my left shoulder- got it straight out of basic training, the guy did a shitty job

an all black shark on my right ankle - last night of finals of my first attempt at college. My friend comes to my room in the dorms and says lets go get tattoos...working on figuring out a cover up...
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wow... that's a whole bunch of cover ups... how long did you have the 'shitty' tats before you covered them?
the marathon was 12 years ago i can't even run 100 metres without gas and air these days lol smile
The drama never ends

Went out friday night to a piano bar. My friend was in town and I wanted to hang out plus give him a piece of my mind. A mutual friend (lets call him ryan) of ours was dating this girl and she was his first (serious girlfriend and sex partner). Whatever happened they broke up but tried to remain frinds because...
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Another day another...fuck I don't know

I went to a meeting tonight for possibly going to teach English in Japan for a year. The professor that told me about it said to dress up, so I did. Of course I'm the only one that did. Oh well, doesn't hurt to break out the nice clothes once in awhile.

Going to get the cap and gown...
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smile yay for almost being graduated! I have 7 classes left, and they all suck... here's to putting the classes that you don't ever want to take to the end!

btw, teaching english to foreigners could probably be the most frustrating thing in the world... it's not the most uniform language by far.
I share an office with my supervisor and he just got married. That's cool, I'm happy for him, finding love and all that crap.. What I'm tired of is the constant phonecalls and the "hey babe, I love you" and all that. Just acts like a nice sharp reminder how I am once again ALONE. But I should be happy for him. He's a nice...
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14 MILES??? that's ridiculous.

and i agree with the lovey-dovey phone call crap. leave it at home.
Through my constant internet usage i somehow came upong SG. I have always had a sweetspot for girls who are a tad different than the norm. so here I am.