well leave for canada next tuesday to visit the boy toy. im excited
its funny i leave at 7:30 am and dont arrive at my final destination until 11:30 pm! i hate airports too.
i thought i was supposed to get paid today but i dont get paid till next week! so looks like all my moneys going to go to my credit card bill instead.
theres an Anime Expo thingy at the Sunrise mall. if anyone in Sac reads this they should go!
yep yep. nothing else to say
have a good day

i thought i was supposed to get paid today but i dont get paid till next week! so looks like all my moneys going to go to my credit card bill instead.
theres an Anime Expo thingy at the Sunrise mall. if anyone in Sac reads this they should go!
yep yep. nothing else to say
have a good day
Seriously thou...