wow it is 3 in the morn i cant sleep from the pain from my 2 cracked ribs. the doc said they should be healed in 2 weeks so that is good.i was bored today and for some strange reason i started writin poems and they are as my mates put it "love" poems. i dont know y i dont know who they are about they are just there. on a better note the manager who was a cop got fired he was hittin on a waitress at the resturant and it was caught on tape.TAKE THAT U PIG!!!!!
hehe i hate cops unless i need them which is never.
the only thing that isnt gettin better in my life is i still need a girlfriend but i can hold off some. i just want a girl to understand me that is it is that askin to much.

hehe i hate cops unless i need them which is never.
the only thing that isnt gettin better in my life is i still need a girlfriend but i can hold off some. i just want a girl to understand me that is it is that askin to much.
Chicks dig guys who can skateboard....just do a nollie or a kickflip for em. They love that shit
