well my life is gettin a lil better the manager is still an ass but he cant make me quit and well as the band goes we are broke up...... all that after 7 years of playin together we are broke up cause i wanted to play the warped tour this year on a locals only stage and well they didnt. eh i still skateboard to work to piss the manager off. as for the g/f thing i think there is no one out there for me which really wouldnt surprise me cause i am strangly wierd in my own ways and i got one thing and that is I WILL NOT CHANGE WHO I AM FOR ANYONE NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!!!! so if that makes me picky then i am picky. i got 4 concerts planed up and i just got back from nin and i might be goin tomorrow but dunno depends on if i wanna cause my ribs hurt from skatin today i think i brused them. i will be postin so random pics from the open event as soon as i can well peace out.

good to see you!
are you going to Vanuslux's birthday party saturday?