My life is going good since my last update. The only bad thing is i am gettin to the point of giving up on trying to get a girl cause i am tired of playing the CUTE lil brother type cause i am like that all the time. EH FUCK IT!!!! i will just do what i do best and that is tease everyone cause i can do that i am cute to the boys and girls. From this point on i will be RAVER KID!!!! The one who is able to be on drugs and sober at the same time since i am so full of energy that i am always on the drug i call "ME". Later this month i am taking a trip to NC on the 28th to see DJ Icey. If anyone from that area will be there hit me up on here or where ever. Well i am off to bed i NEED sleep cause i got work in 8 hours and i am to awake to sleep so i might aswell try.
"Raver Kid"

haha raver kid? man you crack me up