Sunday Jul 17, 2011 Jul 17, 2011 0 Facebook Tweet Email Ah, Sundays. The one fucking day I have off a week. Ugh. Think I'll go have a bite and some brew with a friend, then finally check out Green Lantern. VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS valeria: I'm intrigued by this Robot Holocaust you speak of. I've been digging the name thanks to Saint Valeria. The one that led a cult, but, oh, may not have actually existed. Jul 19, 2011 maslow: Sundays are my one day off most of the time too. Maybe you can take a sunday and get out of the city. Jul 21, 2011
I've been digging the name thanks to Saint Valeria. The one that led a cult, but, oh, may not have actually existed.