As so often with the usually boring job I have, I was on my facebook scrolling through status' and what not when I happened upon SG post. For anyone that "liked" the SG facebook page you'll know that they post who is on the front page, in todays case, Zoli. On average, I simply give these posts "likes", then move on. Reading the comments on SG facebook posts is powerfully annoying, even when compared to comments on the Marvel or UFC pages. But like an idiot, morbid curiosity got the better of me and I gave it a gander. To my utter lack of surprise, the same plethora of hateful comments continued to be there. Now, as per usual, there were a few who weren't being negative, but they were but a few. Typical comments were "she isn't SG material", "SG has gone downhill", or "she's old". A particular phrase I noticed a lot was "Suicide horse", which people found amussing. Even before I became a member I was able to tell when comments come from non members and being one just makes the distinction greater. The defenders of the brazenly insulting comments always site that they're intitled to their own opinion, all the while blissfully unaware as to how truly hateful their "opinions" are. I don't know if it's jealousy, a lack of understanding, or insecurity that prompts those people to say the things they say. Some seem to be looking for any "flaw" they can find to prove how the girl in question isn't "perfect" or "SG worthy". Too fat, too skinny, not enough tattoos, not enough piercings, ect, ect, it's all so fucking annoying. Personally, if I wanted "perfect", I'd just head to Playboy (which I find immensely boring), but SG feels "real" to me and I'd much rather that. Basically, reading those purposefully disrepectful comments both enrages and saddens, kinda making me feel bad for even being human.
Alright, enough of the negativity. Had an awesome weekend. Went to Brew It Up here in Sacramento last Friday and had a blast!

It was hella rad to brew our own beer. Actually being able to get the ingrediants together yourself (and taste them too) and put it all together was awesome. It did take some actual muscle though, my friend and I were hella sore afterwards, but it'll be worth it. We made a scotch ale, which is fermenting now, and we'll be going back to bottle the brew on the 24th. Can't wait
UFC 131 was cool. Not the best event, but better than the previous two. Sometimes it's just nice to be out with friends having a drink ya know? Ok, now that I think about, there were some good fights. Super looking forward to UFC 132, that fight card is fucking stacked! And don't bother asking if I'm rooting for Cruz or Faber. I'm from Sacramento, do the math. And lastly Sunday at the river. It was hot as balls out and the water was cold as fuck! I could only go waist deep and only stayed in for a few minutes. Haha, it was unreal how cold the water was. But whatever, I enjoyed being out there with friends I don't see very often these days. I wish I'd took pictures though, especially since my friend that wants to be a SG was smoking hot that day. Haha, but seriously, not sure why I didn't take any pics. It was beautiful out. Finished up with going back to my buddys place afterwards for some tunes, beer, and pizza. It was good. Well, except for this Romanian, wanabe mobster neighbor of my friend that wanted to start bbq at damn near midnight when I gotta work Monday, but I complained enough earlier, so I'll spare y'all. All and all, a good weekend was had.
Alright, enough of the negativity. Had an awesome weekend. Went to Brew It Up here in Sacramento last Friday and had a blast!

It was hella rad to brew our own beer. Actually being able to get the ingrediants together yourself (and taste them too) and put it all together was awesome. It did take some actual muscle though, my friend and I were hella sore afterwards, but it'll be worth it. We made a scotch ale, which is fermenting now, and we'll be going back to bottle the brew on the 24th. Can't wait

UFC 131 was cool. Not the best event, but better than the previous two. Sometimes it's just nice to be out with friends having a drink ya know? Ok, now that I think about, there were some good fights. Super looking forward to UFC 132, that fight card is fucking stacked! And don't bother asking if I'm rooting for Cruz or Faber. I'm from Sacramento, do the math. And lastly Sunday at the river. It was hot as balls out and the water was cold as fuck! I could only go waist deep and only stayed in for a few minutes. Haha, it was unreal how cold the water was. But whatever, I enjoyed being out there with friends I don't see very often these days. I wish I'd took pictures though, especially since my friend that wants to be a SG was smoking hot that day. Haha, but seriously, not sure why I didn't take any pics. It was beautiful out. Finished up with going back to my buddys place afterwards for some tunes, beer, and pizza. It was good. Well, except for this Romanian, wanabe mobster neighbor of my friend that wanted to start bbq at damn near midnight when I gotta work Monday, but I complained enough earlier, so I'll spare y'all. All and all, a good weekend was had.
I totally agree with you about the FB page, why do people say anything if they have nothing good to say at all. I mean don't they have that little voice in there head that say, wait does this need to be said? That's so cool you got to brew your own beer. You look like you have muscle, I can't imagine how hard that would be haha. 

Personally, I think if you can not say something nice, then you should not say anything at all. After all, you do have the option at the top of the set to not like it. Also the ability to leave a comment is a choice. Do not be a jackass and say something mean. These girls work hard. If you do not like the way they look, then find something else to look at. I have to agree with you though that some of the comments and even some of the taglines are quite hilarious and not just the negative ones. Take for example, I was looking at a set today and if my memory serves me correctly it could have even been for Zoli, who I happen to think it is awesome, but a person tagged gourmet lips. Now come on. To me, that just sounds both odd and distasteful. I spoke about it with my boyfriend Pezmaster and he said what lips were they referring to because we both notice that there is a full on shot of her vagina. Regardless, whether it was her mouth or vagina they were referring too, I still thought that it was nasty and to some degree hilarious. Like my boyfriend said, he was referring to her vagina, then this could be perceived as a compliment regarding that she is suitable for good oral sex. He said since I do not engage in sexual activities with females this would not be something I was state because to me it wouldn't be "gourmet."