So the Trash Film Orgy midnight movie show is returning here in Sacramento on July 9 and I couldn't be happier. Especially since the first movie playing is my fave zombie flick Return of the Living Dead (with the Sacramento Zombie Walk too no less), so there's no way I'm missing out on that. Two other shows I gotta see are Humanoids From The Deep on July 16 and Heavy Metal (fuck yeah!) on July 23. I love going to these shows. Last year I met Sid Haig when Galaxy of Terror was to play and met Bob Wall when Enter The Dragon (the movie that got me into martial arts by the way) was played. There's something about horror/exploitation flicks, live performances, being with friends, drinking beers, and being encouraged to shout at the screen MST3K style that fucking rocks! My friends and I are pretty excited for this, and I hella can't wait. Anyways, I hope all is well for you all out there and I'm gonna get back to watching Elvira's Movie Macabre.
Your user name is awesome, even if it took me a second to register.
Why thank you very much Kidddd