Thinking maybe it's about time to finally get some ink. Been meaning to since 2005, but for one reason or another I haven't. I should use my quasi artistic ability and probably start coming up with some designs. If only I wasn't such a lazy bastard.
I have been thinking of getting my first bit of ink too. I already picked it out. It is small tattoo of a math equation. Yes, you heard me correctly, I said a math equation. I am a total geek and in fact, in high school my friends often joked and said I was dating my algebra book and not my actual boyfriend at the time. The equation is called "The Uncertainty Principle." I am the most uncertain person on the universe so I think it is the perfect thing to have on my body for all of eternity. The only problem that I am having is deciding where to actually put it. I have had suggestions of my wrist, ankle, back of neck, and of course the typical tramp stamp location. So I am still undecided as of yet. Keep us updated on whether you go through with getting one or more even. Take lots of pictures too. I have a picture posted of the one I want in a folder on my profile. 

Post the sketches up here first, we can judge them and tell you how bad-ass/bad they are