Happy Zombie Jesus Day everybody!

Today I'm reminded of the many lessons I learned from the private Christian schools my parents forced my sister and I to attend. Like keep ye hair short least Zombie Jesus lay his blessed hand upon thee and feast upon thy flesh, and light a fire not upon Zombie Jesus for he shall walk with his disciples and all will be roaming torches. Good lessons folks.
While others watch The Ten Commandments (or what ever the fuck people watch on this day), I've decided on a zombie flick. It's been a few weeks since I last watched one, so why not. But what to watch? What exactly am I in the mood for?

Decisions, decisions.

Today I'm reminded of the many lessons I learned from the private Christian schools my parents forced my sister and I to attend. Like keep ye hair short least Zombie Jesus lay his blessed hand upon thee and feast upon thy flesh, and light a fire not upon Zombie Jesus for he shall walk with his disciples and all will be roaming torches. Good lessons folks.
While others watch The Ten Commandments (or what ever the fuck people watch on this day), I've decided on a zombie flick. It's been a few weeks since I last watched one, so why not. But what to watch? What exactly am I in the mood for?

Decisions, decisions.

As for the "Happy Zombie Day," thing, I have a funny story to tell you about that. I am helping my boyfriend raise his four year old son. I grew up in church, but my boyfriend did not. His son has never been to church, so we were curious if he had any thoughts about religion. Obviously, they wouldn't be anything grand considering he is only four but we decided to ask him something simple. We asked him who Jesus was. He looked at us with a completely straight face and said, "Jesus is a monster!" At first, my boyfriend and I giggled under our breath. We were completely shocked that his son had said this and we had no idea where he had gotten or learned this concept. So we corrected him and told him that in fact, Jesus was not a monster, but a good guy who helped and loved everyone. We did not want to get too deep with him. We knew it would go completely over his head!
However, later that day, his father and I got to thinking, maybe his son had a point. Jesus had risen or been resurrected at some point, however you want to say it. So basically, he started off dead and then came back to life. Using this logic, this would indeed make Jesus a zombie. In our society, most people consider a zombie to be monster! So I guess, in some sense his little boy had a point. It really made us give it a second thought!
As for the horror movie thing, I love them myself!
Sorry for such a long comment. I just had so much to say. I hope you do not mind and ultimately find a decent movie to end your day with. Oh and yeah, thanks for the kind words regarding the poem that I posted on blog earlier.