The stuff that comes through my job that only I'd think is cool. Working in a Goodwill donation center grants me the pleasure of coming across all sorts of things. From coming across a voodoo doll (with book of magic) to yesterdays copy of Mein Kampf (come on, how appropriate was that?), there is usually some donation I find dope. Today was some old A-Team and Battlestar Galactica comics and two Starlog photo guide mags.
If you haven't guessed, my job is also quite boring. Have a good one y'all!

If you haven't guessed, my job is also quite boring. Have a good one y'all!
Low self esteem is such a horrible thing, because certainly in my ex's case, she's a fucking gorgeous girl. It all came from the fact that she used to be quite fat. Grew up, high school and all that being a big girl. Then she worked her ass off and is now slim and gorgeous, but still has that "big girl" mind set. It kills me because she lets guys walk all over her. The thing that depresses me is, the reason we never worked out is I'm a bit of a commitophobe, haha. I kinda told her early on I wasn't looking for a relationship. Of course what ended up happening is she believed that was a permanent thing, so even when I realised my mistake, she can't believe me. Sucks, but I suppose the thing for both of us is just to support them as best as possible, even if we're not the one they're with. :heavy shruggin':