As so often with the usually boring job I have, I was on my facebook scrolling through status' and what not when I happened upon SG post. For anyone that "liked" the SG facebook page you'll know that they post who is on the front page, in todays case, Zoli. On average, I simply give these posts "likes", then move on. Reading the comments on... Read More
I totally agree with you about the FB page, why do people say anything if they have nothing good to say at all. I mean don't they have that little voice in there head that say, wait does this need to be said? That's so cool you got to brew your own beer. You look like you have muscle, I can't imagine how hard that would be haha.
Personally, I think if you can not say something nice, then you should not say anything at all. After all, you do have the option at the top of the set to not like it. Also the ability to leave a comment is a choice. Do not be a jackass and say something mean. These girls work hard. If you do not like the way they look, then find something else to look at. I have to agree with you though that some of the comments and even some of the taglines are quite hilarious and not just the negative ones. Take for example, I was looking at a set today and if my memory serves me correctly it could have even been for Zoli, who I happen to think it is awesome, but a person tagged gourmet lips. Now come on. To me, that just sounds both odd and distasteful. I spoke about it with my boyfriend Pezmaster and he said what lips were they referring to because we both notice that there is a full on shot of her vagina. Regardless, whether it was her mouth or vagina they were referring too, I still thought that it was nasty and to some degree hilarious. Like my boyfriend said, he was referring to her vagina, then this could be perceived as a compliment regarding that she is suitable for good oral sex. He said since I do not engage in sexual activities with females this would not be something I was state because to me it wouldn't be "gourmet."
Can't wait for my weekend to start. After my work meeting today I'll be going to a local brewhouse with a few friends to brew some beer (which I love, so this is pretty fuckin dope), tomorrow a UFC that shouldn't suck, and Sunday I'll be heading to the river with friends. Finally, things aren't so boring. Now to find some concerts to go to.... Read More
said it before, and I'll say it again, the HW belt will change between Velasquez, Carwin and JDS a LOT. They are all competitive and all incredible fighters. It's incredibly hard to pick a winner out of any combination of their fights. This one, I'm favouring JDS for his speed and variety, but as Carwin has proved in the past, all he needs is one punch.
Fuck anyone who attempts to form sweeping opinions on subjective media. I almost always listen to music from the early to mid 90's. That's my thing, and I don't begrudge other people having theirs. Comics wise, I just take what interests me. Spawn is a favourite because the artwork is glorious and the characters are so over the top and at times hilariously tragic. But I don't care when it's made. I used to read "Hard C.O.R.P.S." because again, it appealed to me. I liked the idea of Civil War, personally, so I gave it a shot. There is no global relevance in comic books, whoever tries to tell you otherwise is an elitist, troll fuck.
Oh fuck yeah! Still a month off, but I'm hella excited for it. Been jonesing for TFO to return and finally it's almost here. Hope you lot are having a good morning (or evening or night depending on where you are in the world), as I'm on the bus heading to work with the lovely voice of Brody Dalle, ,to keep me company. Laters
So the Trash Film Orgy midnight movie show is returning here in Sacramento on July 9 and I couldn't be happier. Especially since the first movie playing is my fave zombie flick Return of the Living Dead (with the Sacramento Zombie Walk too no less), so there's no way I'm missing out on that. Two other shows I gotta see are Humanoids From The Deep... Read More
It's friends like that that keeps you the person you are. They are a reminder of how you are open minded & that's a good thing. He just doesn't understand & there's nothing wrong with that. Your friend in the picture is super beautiful. Yay for working out!!
Thinking maybe it's about time to finally get some ink. Been meaning to since 2005, but for one reason or another I haven't. I should use my quasi artistic ability and probably start coming up with some designs. If only I wasn't such a lazy bastard.
I have been thinking of getting my first bit of ink too. I already picked it out. It is small tattoo of a math equation. Yes, you heard me correctly, I said a math equation. I am a total geek and in fact, in high school my friends often joked and said I was dating my algebra book and not my actual boyfriend at the time. The equation is called "The Uncertainty Principle." I am the most uncertain person on the universe so I think it is the perfect thing to have on my body for all of eternity. The only problem that I am having is deciding where to actually put it. I have had suggestions of my wrist, ankle, back of neck, and of course the typical tramp stamp location. So I am still undecided as of yet. Keep us updated on whether you go through with getting one or more even. Take lots of pictures too. I have a picture posted of the one I want in a folder on my profile.