Had to add my plea for you all to go check out Mneylu's gorgeous new set Violette:

poems still up at ditch. I'd love to hear what you think.
I love .Jarboe. She is my goddess.
These are strange days my friends.
For one, I was just offered a job by a company who, according to one of my references (who also happens to be a great poet and friend), apparently worried that my writing for Black Heart reflected some sort of pathology. I'm thinking they read my story in this issue.
So that was weird. I was really pissed off about it, and thought about withdrawing my application and filing some sort of complaint. But then they offered me the job (apparently based on the glowing recommendation given by said reference).
So then I decided to use this opportunity as leverage to get more out of my present job - which seems to be working. I won't know until tomorrow, but it seems as if this might get me a promotion to a more secure position and significantly more money. I'm not really a monetarily driven person, normally (and it's not as if I'll be making "bank" exactly), but I fucking need some money.
It's a hard thing when you realize exactly what being 40k in debt really means.
On the lighter side, my poetry has been doing well. The above-mentioned publication, the fact that two of my pieces have been shortlisted for publication in an upcoming print anthology from Raw Dog Screaming, and progress with a soon-to-be collaboration have just been thrilling the hell out of me.
and then, of course, there's the fact that someone who makes me feel a love that's "mad, bad and dangerous to know" (to misappropriate a quote about Lord Byron) will soon be moving back to Guadalajara...probably leaving my life forever.
and i just had to add this:
I write shitty websites for plumbers and chiropractors via AT&T of all ungodly behemoths.
We were recently informed that we could not use the word "salved" any longer as it is too 'difficult' for most people.
Praise jeebus and the fifth grade reading level of this retarded nation.

poems still up at ditch. I'd love to hear what you think.
I love .Jarboe. She is my goddess.
These are strange days my friends.
For one, I was just offered a job by a company who, according to one of my references (who also happens to be a great poet and friend), apparently worried that my writing for Black Heart reflected some sort of pathology. I'm thinking they read my story in this issue.
So that was weird. I was really pissed off about it, and thought about withdrawing my application and filing some sort of complaint. But then they offered me the job (apparently based on the glowing recommendation given by said reference).
So then I decided to use this opportunity as leverage to get more out of my present job - which seems to be working. I won't know until tomorrow, but it seems as if this might get me a promotion to a more secure position and significantly more money. I'm not really a monetarily driven person, normally (and it's not as if I'll be making "bank" exactly), but I fucking need some money.
It's a hard thing when you realize exactly what being 40k in debt really means.
On the lighter side, my poetry has been doing well. The above-mentioned publication, the fact that two of my pieces have been shortlisted for publication in an upcoming print anthology from Raw Dog Screaming, and progress with a soon-to-be collaboration have just been thrilling the hell out of me.
and then, of course, there's the fact that someone who makes me feel a love that's "mad, bad and dangerous to know" (to misappropriate a quote about Lord Byron) will soon be moving back to Guadalajara...probably leaving my life forever.
and i just had to add this:
I write shitty websites for plumbers and chiropractors via AT&T of all ungodly behemoths.
We were recently informed that we could not use the word "salved" any longer as it is too 'difficult' for most people.
Praise jeebus and the fifth grade reading level of this retarded nation.
hey hun thanks for the comment on my set. The quality is poor becuase its for the self shot contest where quality didnt matter. also the photoshopping kinda made it worse I have another version of the set but cant upload for 3 months the fixed one lol
cause once you upload a set you cant take it down for a set amount of time and you cant delete images .. also why i have two of the same picture at the beggining. but after the 3 months I can just remove the old pics and put up the new ones and still have the comment count.