amputee's embrace amidst
a battle between cannibals
cast for broken bones
dictionary of tongues
escape into that
flesh everyone has worn
gaping wound of mouths
hiss between rosaries of teeth
instinct of torsos
just a
key to bodies without locks, such a
lonely way to live
morsel sticky-sweet
neck's nape, where we hide kisses
orange, round and pored
question asked in touch and haste
a rage of
a silence
ticket to a run-down carnival where
urgency of fingers
violence of hips
wound an absence shaped, like
xylophone's quiet harmonics
yearning toward yourself, a
zoo-full of domesticated beasts
bonus points to anyone who makes a guess on what it's about, though i haven't the foggiest what these 'points' of mine might be, or be useful for.
okay, okay, so I admit it's a crapulous, and possibly even mean question. truth to tell, i was inspired to ask by a discussion ValCapone and I have been having re: whether or not a poem can be considered a success if a person can't say what it is about. so far, i've got one stab at a theme and several 'i don't know, but i like it.'
so, looks like i'm winning. HAH!
thank you for participating in the experiment.
a battle between cannibals
cast for broken bones
dictionary of tongues
escape into that
flesh everyone has worn
gaping wound of mouths
hiss between rosaries of teeth
instinct of torsos
just a
key to bodies without locks, such a
lonely way to live
morsel sticky-sweet
neck's nape, where we hide kisses
orange, round and pored
question asked in touch and haste
a rage of
a silence
ticket to a run-down carnival where
urgency of fingers
violence of hips
wound an absence shaped, like
xylophone's quiet harmonics
yearning toward yourself, a
zoo-full of domesticated beasts
bonus points to anyone who makes a guess on what it's about, though i haven't the foggiest what these 'points' of mine might be, or be useful for.
okay, okay, so I admit it's a crapulous, and possibly even mean question. truth to tell, i was inspired to ask by a discussion ValCapone and I have been having re: whether or not a poem can be considered a success if a person can't say what it is about. so far, i've got one stab at a theme and several 'i don't know, but i like it.'
so, looks like i'm winning. HAH!
thank you for participating in the experiment.

hey i'm going to have to send you the picture either in the mail, or i can scan it and email it to you. Which would you prefer?

The message wasn't creepy my love, he just sounds plain stupid and my self respect will not allow me to date such a schlemiel.