Hello lumplings! I suppose it's time for me to get around to updating the ol' blog. First of all I want to thank everyone for your positive responses to last weeks query about my book. I'm definitely confident about going forward with it, and just need to finish up one last tale, and pick a cover image (which will be contributed by the incredibly talented Sheepnumber97245), then upload it to Lulu. At which point I fully expect all of you to live up to your word and BUY THIS BOOK!!! Just kidding.
Not really.
I just have to add that the trailer for a new documentary on indie poetry in America is now up on myspaz HERE. Why do I have to add that, you ask? Well, because although you only catch a brief glimpse of me in the trailer (amidst a collage of other poets - yep, that's me, reading one of my pieces, down at the bottom left - lookin' ugly LOL), I will be in the movie, either reading my work or answering interview questions. I'm all kinds of scared about seeing myself in a feature documentary on the big screen, but hey, here's my place in posterity!
I think I'm also going to create a myspaz to hype my book (and the little press I'm going to make up to produce it - which, yes, will be looking to publish other people in the future). I'll let ya'll know when I get that going.
The weekend was pretty good. Friday night we watched the first episode from the finally-available second season of Twin Peaks! I've gone through the whole series probably four times by now, but its always wonderful to dive back in, especially with someone who is new to the whole saga! It's also inspiring me to contemplate a book of poems about the series...but that, of course, will have to simmer on the back-burner for a while!
Saturday night we had a party for my housemate's 28th. I usually don't bother to attend our house-parties, since they are usually thrown by the kids downstairs (we have a duplex), who, despite being really very nice guys, are basically one short step away from frat-boys. Despite that I joined the festivities and quickly got jack-hammered by a mind-numblingly speedy succession of Greyhounds. This, of course, led to a few hours of great fun (during which I even managed to speak civilly to my most vilely detestable housemate) followed by (drum-roll please) a fine body-wracking bout of vomiting.
My friends, I am a drinker, and this is a rare event. It seems that all my wine-drinking has led to a deadly weakness when faced with the spirits, and this is an Achilles heel I cannot suffer to survive. Hence, this week is hard-alcohol week. Here's hoping I survive!
Sunday, then, was a lackluster affair, with my joints creaking like stairs in a haunted house, and my brain vibrating in nauseating sympathy with every sound above a whisper. Nonetheless I made it to work and after a couple of hours was back to my usual self.
And I discovered that its my turn at Daily Haiku, which means that every day 'til this coming Sunday, you can click on the above link and get your daily dose of haiku from me, your friend.

Clicky, clicky!
Happy Monday my friends!
and thanks