Well its about time I made a blog!
Hi I'm Kickassanor! I am a bit of a star wars fan, I am perfectly awkward, and I have a fear of social situations. I am currently a student in high school for the next 50 days. Graduation could not come soon enough. I am a kid through and through.... I love toy and cartoons. My brain just cant seem to wrap around the whole concept of growing up. But being grown up isn't much fun anyways. I don't believe I have much more to say, I find that I don't enjoy talking about myself all that much. Words are precious and should be saved to talk about something much more interesting then myself!
P.S. I am an animal lover all the way!
TTFN, Kickassanor
Hi I'm Kickassanor! I am a bit of a star wars fan, I am perfectly awkward, and I have a fear of social situations. I am currently a student in high school for the next 50 days. Graduation could not come soon enough. I am a kid through and through.... I love toy and cartoons. My brain just cant seem to wrap around the whole concept of growing up. But being grown up isn't much fun anyways. I don't believe I have much more to say, I find that I don't enjoy talking about myself all that much. Words are precious and should be saved to talk about something much more interesting then myself!
P.S. I am an animal lover all the way!

TTFN, Kickassanor
Welcome to SG!
Never grow up! Growing up is for like grownups!!! 

Welcome to SG