ARRRRGGG Im so fucking bored im going into a total state of dejection couldn't believe how mundane my life is right now! I just moved back so I don't start school 'til the summer and I only work once a week at my cousins garage and I hardley even did anything over the weekend I checked out tattoo shops and then went to an artshow...ALONE! Its completely pathetic... at first it was nice being by myself ya know alone time is always splended but now....uhhhh yea ....wait is this me feeling sorry for myself,cuz I have no friends and I'm a complete no way i'd never do htat ! I do have friends but there mostly older with children I'm pretty much just a baby sitter to them now!OK OK enough rambling.....welps time to smoke another joint......reeces peaces

you &i need to smokeeeeeeee a bleez together grl@@$!#% soooo cute!