15:58 four hours of sleep in two days..i eat just a falafel and sweets....lots of K. cocaine and speed......i need a rest...i'm blowing my mind away...i don't feel nothing no love no hate no remorse for the stupid things i'm doing.. for all the people i'm hurting....belive me i don't give a fuck ....i'm not feeling comfortable with myself i don't recognize the girl i'm living in i'm feeling so lost...i no it's not the drug it's just i'm an orrible .maybe i'll come back to my mum house next week no phone i just wanna desapear for a while .END COMUNIVCATION ding dong
we all go through it- i compare it to racing a car at 90 mph around a curvy road- keep it in control and you'll be on a roll, get distracted and your brain be fractured.