and so................what happen in my life in the last 3 weeks??????
i found out that im not in love with my husband anymore....
i found out that one of my friend isn't just a friend anymore...........
i left my house...and i need a new one but i don't have enought money at the moment.........
tons of problem at the studio...'couse i work with my ex husband...................
i'm quite in love with my "friend" but i'm quite scared and paranoid about it.................
i'm so anxious and strssed ..........i lost about 5kg and don't fell good at all...but i star eating again, taking vitamins and sleep more in this days.....................
love is unkind
i found out that im not in love with my husband anymore....
i found out that one of my friend isn't just a friend anymore...........
i left my house...and i need a new one but i don't have enought money at the moment.........
tons of problem at the studio...'couse i work with my ex husband...................
i'm quite in love with my "friend" but i'm quite scared and paranoid about it.................
i'm so anxious and strssed ..........i lost about 5kg and don't fell good at all...but i star eating again, taking vitamins and sleep more in this days.....................
love is unkind
se vuoi fare un giretto a milano, sei superinvitata!
ricordati di mandarmi una mail col tuo numero, che nn si sa mai che nei miei pellegrinaggi a bologna non ce la si faccia a berci una birra insieme.
un bacione, e goditi la tua felicit, nulla succede per caso.