I took photos of the second performance of Playing the Victim yesterday. It was tweaked a bit from the first time, making it even more emotionally moving than the first time, and tailored uniquely for the art festival it was running during. The festival website had this to say:
"A hackneyed image of male brutality is unveiled to reveal a celebration of one woman's pleasure."
"Playing the Victim is a visceral and intense performance that explores sexuality, pain and individual choice. It depicts forbidden acts, challenging preconceptions and questioning laws drafted in knee-jerk response to media sensationalism. Due to its nature Playing the Victim can only be performed once every 3 months. The performance at My Fierce Festival is no. 2 in a limited edition of 7 performances. It contains scenes of a graphic nature that may offend some viewers."
If you want to learn more, visit the Switch Theatre website.
"A hackneyed image of male brutality is unveiled to reveal a celebration of one woman's pleasure."
"Playing the Victim is a visceral and intense performance that explores sexuality, pain and individual choice. It depicts forbidden acts, challenging preconceptions and questioning laws drafted in knee-jerk response to media sensationalism. Due to its nature Playing the Victim can only be performed once every 3 months. The performance at My Fierce Festival is no. 2 in a limited edition of 7 performances. It contains scenes of a graphic nature that may offend some viewers."
If you want to learn more, visit the Switch Theatre website.