the importance of suffering in life
It seems as if it is humanities fundamental instinct to want to escape from suffering. I feel that this is where we go completely and utterly wrong and turned off to our emotions. We live a process of disconnection and desensitization from all things that hurt to look at. We are some how ingrained that this is the way to liberation. This is purely escapism and will not liberate anything but our egotistical sense of self and leave the rest of our reality behind.
I propose that in order to truly liberate from suffering we must embrace suffering as valuable and integral to our human development of the most vital and necessary human attributes such as love and compassion for ourselves, each other, and the earth. With this awareness we begin to see the melancholy beauty of suffering in that it expands us into one who embraces experience instead of takes everything for granted and sees the world in terms of what we can get from it.
Any truly introspective person will see instantaneously that there is absolutely no escape from suffering in that when we run from suffering our pure act of running is causing us the suffering. This is why it is such a fundamental principle in Buddhism that all life is suffering. Not because it is something to learn to run away from and escape. But because in the embracing of suffering comes the lifting of suffering. The veil of illusory happiness is penetrated through and we see that we single-handedly, by our own will, must create happiness for each other and especially ourselves. And with this knowledge there is no easy short cut to get there. With this realization and understanding we learn that we must dedicate our lives to this pursuit of creating true happiness if we want it to become a reality.
If we live our lives constantly looking to escape from suffering then we move with the intent to not allow our repercussions of our actions bare fruit, this is the most dangerous aspect of the idea to escape from suffering. We will never discover that our selfish actions create huge amounts of suffering for everything that we are surrounded in, most importantly we cause suffering for ourselves this way, and more importantly for the earth. . We never get smacked in the face with reality when we disconnect from suffering. We constantly act and avoid seeing the infinite loop it creates throughout the whole world. This action results in a disconnection from knowing how to treat ourselves, each other, and the earth.
It seems as if it is humanities fundamental instinct to want to escape from suffering. I feel that this is where we go completely and utterly wrong and turned off to our emotions. We live a process of disconnection and desensitization from all things that hurt to look at. We are some how ingrained that this is the way to liberation. This is purely escapism and will not liberate anything but our egotistical sense of self and leave the rest of our reality behind.
I propose that in order to truly liberate from suffering we must embrace suffering as valuable and integral to our human development of the most vital and necessary human attributes such as love and compassion for ourselves, each other, and the earth. With this awareness we begin to see the melancholy beauty of suffering in that it expands us into one who embraces experience instead of takes everything for granted and sees the world in terms of what we can get from it.
Any truly introspective person will see instantaneously that there is absolutely no escape from suffering in that when we run from suffering our pure act of running is causing us the suffering. This is why it is such a fundamental principle in Buddhism that all life is suffering. Not because it is something to learn to run away from and escape. But because in the embracing of suffering comes the lifting of suffering. The veil of illusory happiness is penetrated through and we see that we single-handedly, by our own will, must create happiness for each other and especially ourselves. And with this knowledge there is no easy short cut to get there. With this realization and understanding we learn that we must dedicate our lives to this pursuit of creating true happiness if we want it to become a reality.
If we live our lives constantly looking to escape from suffering then we move with the intent to not allow our repercussions of our actions bare fruit, this is the most dangerous aspect of the idea to escape from suffering. We will never discover that our selfish actions create huge amounts of suffering for everything that we are surrounded in, most importantly we cause suffering for ourselves this way, and more importantly for the earth. . We never get smacked in the face with reality when we disconnect from suffering. We constantly act and avoid seeing the infinite loop it creates throughout the whole world. This action results in a disconnection from knowing how to treat ourselves, each other, and the earth.