Zen Butterfly

i am the butterfly and you are the caterpillar

the butterfly can always flutter by

but the caterpillar can only crawl

until the wings are grown

youll always piss and moan

but a butterfly flying in the wind of its dream

can never possibly stop to feel alone
There are 5 veils of misidentification that disable us from knowing that we are IT

they are..

1. body

2. life force

3. mind (unchosen)

4. intellect (chosen)

5. state of bliss or constant seeking of happiness

you are not your feelings, you are infinite light which gets turned into whatever it identifies itself as. Your true nature is the sun and no matter how...
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Mapping the Unconscious pt 1

There are many spiritual paths in life but eventually they all lead to the same thing. Which is that the true self is pure consciousness. Pure consciousness is divine. And its basis is light. So all reality is divine light experiencing itself. True Self and god are not separate. The only thing separating that union is ego, the sense of...
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the importance of suffering in life

It seems as if it is humanities fundamental instinct to want to escape from suffering. I feel that this is where we go completely and utterly wrong and turned off to our emotions. We live a process of disconnection and desensitization from all things that hurt to look at. We are some how ingrained that this is the way...
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