Sorry I've been gone.
I got back into playing World of when I come home, I don't spend much time on SG if I spend any time at all, that is. The only reason I'm here now is that Tuesday is the regulart scheduled maitenence day for WoW and I can't play. LOL So I apologize if I've been neglecting anyone.
I did get on here a few times to post in the BPAL group because I finally got my stuff from them in the mail. I originally ordered three bottles, and two, six-vial sets of their "imps ears". I got a nice little surprise though, when I opened the box....ten more imps ears! For FREE! I've been trying these new scents out, one a day, to see how many I like or don't like. "Brom Bones" and "Dee" are my faves so far, but I still have many to try.
My best friend, the one who moved back to Michigan some years ago, is moving back to Batesville...but it's not exactly a happy occasion. The reason they moved in the first place was because his wife's sister kicked them out of the house that she owned and that they were living in over some stupid shit that I won't go into here. They had no place to go. So, they turned to his parents who were living in Michigan, taking care of an elderly gentleman up there. The deal they got was, they could live in the old fellow's house, and they would take care of him...his wife being an LPN..., while his parents would help them out once in a while.
Well, that gentleman finally passed away yesterday. And now, they have 30 days to vacate the about ingratitude. "Thanks for taking care of my elderly, bedridden get out!"
And since they had a falling out with his parents about a year ago, they can't stay with them up there's only one alternative....move back in with her sister.
Only, my best friend is not allowed.
You see, he and his wife separated more than a year ago, but it was an amicable split, and he kept living with her, and her new boyfriend, for the sake of their son. But now, her sister is welcoming them all back in, except for my best friend, with whom she had the problem in the first place. So my firiend now needs a place to crash while he tries to find a new place of his own.
What can I say? No? He's my best friend in the world! He's the very first person to ever stand up for me. He's the one who taught me to stand up for myself. If it had'nt been for him, I might've given up a long time ago. You might not be sitting there reading these words i've typed....because I would've been too wrapped up in my own pathos or too scared to join this site or...well, let's not go any further with that line of thought. The way it is, my life is better for having him in it, and I owe him. It' just that space is going to be a problem, but we'll manage somehow. I just wish he were returning under happier circumstances.
But maybe this will be a good thing.
You see, my friend suffers from a type of manic-depression as well as depression. I don't know if he's exactly 'bi-polar' or not, but they've had him on several different medications...he's had to be institutionalized a few times while up there...he confessed to me recently that he's tried to take his own life a few times. I don't think Michigan was very good for him. What with his parents (that's a long story I won't get into) and the depressing environment he was living in (having to take care of a dying man). I don't think he ever mentioned having made even one friend while up there. He grew up there originally, and he had childhood friends, but most of them had moved on or such. But coming back here...he's at least going to have one good friend!! And perhaps, reconnect with some others, and maybe with my help, make some new ones. A good friend can be a life saver....I know this, 'cause he was that for me once.
Anyway, not much else going on. I still have two more presents to get, but hopefully, that should'nt be any trouble.
And there's about half-an-inch to an inch of sleet/snow/ice outside, and it's bitterly cold (at least for Arkansas it's "bitter")...but I like it!
That's all I have for now.
Later my friends.
I got back into playing World of when I come home, I don't spend much time on SG if I spend any time at all, that is. The only reason I'm here now is that Tuesday is the regulart scheduled maitenence day for WoW and I can't play. LOL So I apologize if I've been neglecting anyone.
I did get on here a few times to post in the BPAL group because I finally got my stuff from them in the mail. I originally ordered three bottles, and two, six-vial sets of their "imps ears". I got a nice little surprise though, when I opened the box....ten more imps ears! For FREE! I've been trying these new scents out, one a day, to see how many I like or don't like. "Brom Bones" and "Dee" are my faves so far, but I still have many to try.
My best friend, the one who moved back to Michigan some years ago, is moving back to Batesville...but it's not exactly a happy occasion. The reason they moved in the first place was because his wife's sister kicked them out of the house that she owned and that they were living in over some stupid shit that I won't go into here. They had no place to go. So, they turned to his parents who were living in Michigan, taking care of an elderly gentleman up there. The deal they got was, they could live in the old fellow's house, and they would take care of him...his wife being an LPN..., while his parents would help them out once in a while.
Well, that gentleman finally passed away yesterday. And now, they have 30 days to vacate the about ingratitude. "Thanks for taking care of my elderly, bedridden get out!"

And since they had a falling out with his parents about a year ago, they can't stay with them up there's only one alternative....move back in with her sister.
Only, my best friend is not allowed.
You see, he and his wife separated more than a year ago, but it was an amicable split, and he kept living with her, and her new boyfriend, for the sake of their son. But now, her sister is welcoming them all back in, except for my best friend, with whom she had the problem in the first place. So my firiend now needs a place to crash while he tries to find a new place of his own.
What can I say? No? He's my best friend in the world! He's the very first person to ever stand up for me. He's the one who taught me to stand up for myself. If it had'nt been for him, I might've given up a long time ago. You might not be sitting there reading these words i've typed....because I would've been too wrapped up in my own pathos or too scared to join this site or...well, let's not go any further with that line of thought. The way it is, my life is better for having him in it, and I owe him. It' just that space is going to be a problem, but we'll manage somehow. I just wish he were returning under happier circumstances.
But maybe this will be a good thing.
You see, my friend suffers from a type of manic-depression as well as depression. I don't know if he's exactly 'bi-polar' or not, but they've had him on several different medications...he's had to be institutionalized a few times while up there...he confessed to me recently that he's tried to take his own life a few times. I don't think Michigan was very good for him. What with his parents (that's a long story I won't get into) and the depressing environment he was living in (having to take care of a dying man). I don't think he ever mentioned having made even one friend while up there. He grew up there originally, and he had childhood friends, but most of them had moved on or such. But coming back here...he's at least going to have one good friend!! And perhaps, reconnect with some others, and maybe with my help, make some new ones. A good friend can be a life saver....I know this, 'cause he was that for me once.
Anyway, not much else going on. I still have two more presents to get, but hopefully, that should'nt be any trouble.
And there's about half-an-inch to an inch of sleet/snow/ice outside, and it's bitterly cold (at least for Arkansas it's "bitter")...but I like it!

That's all I have for now.
Later my friends.
Now my question is why would you want to throw a truck at the President??? What did he ever do to you??? I know of six people in my life that have died serving under him (and 4 that died serving under his father), and I hold no animosity towards him or Bush41. 2 of the Guys were from I taught how to drive an 18 wheeler. I don't agree with everything he has done, but one thing is for more attacks have happened here!!!! Economics policy aside.......I never liked any of the stimulus packages from the beginning (it was my money anyway). The shit with Wall St. was bound to happen anyway.......look at Enron, Worldcom, Adelphia, The whole dot com crash during Clinton's term, the housing fuckup, and of course oil (and that affects me more than most!!!) The SEC put Martha Stewart in Prison, but not all these bankers and CEO's from these Mortgage companies and banks??? We have gone "global" to fast. The SEC has no teeth with selling crap overseas. Your Congress is much more to blame than the Executive Branch.......It's a long story that goes back decades. If you ever have the time away from WoW.......I will explain it to you!!!